Michelle’s Leading Star Foundation
Michelle’s Leading Star Foundation was established by the family of Michelle Lee Sanderbeck in the year 2006 to vigorously instill the message that safe driving begins at home, behind the wheel and in the school systems. M.Star Foundation is an effort to educate/promote safe driving among teens in the state of Ohio and commemorate Michelle Lee Sanderbeck (and other teens), who lost their life in a non-alcohol, non-drug related teen automobile accident.
We all have children of our own, or nieces, nephews or grandchildren or just friends that have children. This kind of tragedy just breaks your heart. No one should ever have to feel this pain or go through a tragedy like this in their lifetime. “It is a nightmare that our family longs to wake from.” It’s difficult to express in words all of the emotions and hurt that we are experiencing today, but at the same time we know in our hearts that we need to channel our emotions into something positive, so that we may somehow limit/prevent this from happening to others. These children Are our future… Let’s protect them!
Michelle’s Law
- I promise to drive responsible
- I promise to wear my seat belt
- I promise not to drink and drive
- I promise to obey the speed limits
- I promise to keep my mind on the road